Katie Earley
June 2017
Surgical Intensive Care Unit
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
United States
Katie is the kind of nurse you wish you could clone. I spent only two months working in the ICU in the past year but it became clear to me early on that she advocates for her patients and is not afraid to ask questions to further patient care. She is thorough in transitions of care and participates fully on rounds providing valuable patient information. She took care of a patient that she hadn't seen in several days and noticed a decline in mental status from the last time she cared for him. Although providers had noticed a difference, his mental status hadn't been brought up explicitly and discussed until Katie initiated the conversation.
Katie works to create a connection with each patient and their family. I have watched her listen to families and their concerns and elicit information on what the patient was like prior to their hospitalization, humanizing the patient. While Katie has a smile for everyone, I watched her handle with grace a difficult interaction with a colleague. The behavior of the colleague would have made anyone cringe but she worked to clarify information with him, stayed calm and brought the focus back to the patient.
Katie is a more than a competent ICU nurse. She brings compassion, empathy, patient-centered care, integrity and a positive attitude to the bedside.
Katie works to create a connection with each patient and their family. I have watched her listen to families and their concerns and elicit information on what the patient was like prior to their hospitalization, humanizing the patient. While Katie has a smile for everyone, I watched her handle with grace a difficult interaction with a colleague. The behavior of the colleague would have made anyone cringe but she worked to clarify information with him, stayed calm and brought the focus back to the patient.
Katie is a more than a competent ICU nurse. She brings compassion, empathy, patient-centered care, integrity and a positive attitude to the bedside.