Fran Killion
February 2016
CHI Health Mercy Council Bluffs
Council Bluffs
United States




Fran and I have worked together for over 20 years. I have many stories of her expertise as a seasoned nurse. I write but one as it truly saved a mother and baby's life.
The first time mother had been to the unit a day or so ago with high blood pressure and swelling. Her blood work was normal; she was put on medicine, had a follow up appointment and was told to call with questions. Now she was calling with a general and vague complaint of "not feeling good". Fran listened and asked pertinent questions. No definite answers required this mother to return to our unit. As Fran told me this story, she said "I got this feeling about this pregnant mom. You know like a seventh sense so I told her to come in to be checked".
Upon arrival the mother was in full eclampsia, a life threatening condition that can cause seizures and injury or death to her baby. Her blood work was markedly changed and she went to surgery for an immediate c-section. Both mother and baby were unharmed although the next four days were critical for an early baby and a very sick mom.
Fran trusted her guts as she has learned to do through all these years. Her clinical skills are excellent and well respected and kindness and compassion exude. Her dedication to the truth is tireless. She is always looking beyond the obvious. Fran is already basically retired by stays on with us as causal status. We recognize her for the blessed gifts she has given all our staff and patients throughout these many years.