Tracy Jay
January 2016
Saint Alphonsus Regional Medical Center - Boise
United States




Tracy was faced with a very challenging patient, with multiple issues and concerns. The patient had multiple, multiple, allergies and refused to take many of the medications that were ordered for her-stating that she was allergic to the medication, the preservatives or the packaging. The patient would not take any of her medications, unless her daughter reviewed the chemical compounds of each medication. Her daughter was unable to be at the bedside, because she herself was a patient in the hospital recovering from surgery. Tracy spoke to the daughter multiple times about each of her mother's medications via phone and was even able to get her mother's insulin for her to use while in the hospital. Tracy provided written information to the patient and her daughter, while involving pharmacy to assist with providing formulary information about each medications chemical composition.
Even when Tracy could have changed her assignment the second day-she stayed with the same assignment to ensure that the patients' medications were straightened out. After being asked by the patients' daughter to come and see her in her hospital room, Tracy made arrangements for her other patients to be cared for while she went over to see the daughter and once again review all of the printed materials that Tracy had already sent her previously, spending about an hour with the daughter and formulating a list of medications that her mother could take and then conveying this to her physician.
The patients' daughter told Tracy she was doing a good job. As her peer, Tracy did an over-the-top amazing job, went above and beyond-when she could have easily passed this assignment on to someone else. She was determined to see this through to completion, to ensure that the patient was receiving the correct medication. She remained calm, caring, and compassionate at all times, all the while caring for an additional three patients and their families.
Tracy is an extraordinary nurse who has repeatedly demonstrated sincere concern for her patients and their families! Tracy is making a positive impact on our profession!