July 2018
Ashley V.
Med/Surg - Med5
Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center
Baton Rouge
United States




My stay here has been a bit scary due to my diagnoses. All I knew is that I would be starting chemo soon. To be honest, I was consumed with fear. The problem was that there was not much information to go from until certain tests were completed.
I am writing this because there were two people here that really went above and beyond making sure that I did not feel alone, adding to my comfort level and just made feel like I had genuine friends when there was no one else around. One of these people is Ashley Johnson of Med 5.
The reason why I speak of Ashley is not solely because she was a great nurse, but she showed that she cared about me as a person not just her patient. She talked when I need just that, listened when I needed a shoulder, but most importantly educated me about this process that I was going through, all the will learning herself. Ashley is exceptional.