Jackie Abraham
October 2018
Med/Surg - ICU
SSM Health St. Francis Hospital
United States
My mom had Alzheimer's, but physically she was healthy! It was her mind that was ill. On Friday, I visited her at the nursing home, and she was her usual self, peddling around the nursing home doing fine, smiling at people and telling everyone she loves them (even ones she doesn't know). At midnight, I get a call. I met the ambulance in the ER fully expecting them to pull my mom out, cussing at them (because that sometimes happens too). Instead, EMS and a nurse (whom I know) look at me and say they are sorry. I'm dumbfounded. The doctor and another nurse are assessing mom and talking to me, but I don't think I really comprehend anything. Finally, they say, call your family, she doesn't have much time left. Mom was admitted to ICU. The next night, Jackie Abraham encouraged us to get some rest, that she would be with Mom the whole time. So they found us some couches. At 3:45 am, Jackie gently woke us up and said it's time. We sat on the bed with Mom while she basically went peacefully to sleep. Jackie stood quietly in the shadows. Jackie had told us she would check on our mom every hour during her shift, and she did! You could set your watch by her. She was there and my mom didn't die alone, and we weren't alone either. Thank you from my heart!