Terri Phillips
February 2019
Labor & Delivery
CHRISTUS Good Shepherd Medical Center
United States
Earlier this year, a patient in Labor and Delivery began to hemorrhage profusely after a C-section which had no prior complications. This patient ultimately lost 5000 ml of blood and received eight units of blood, and ultimately had an emergency hysterectomy. This was an unusual, unexpected case.
Terri remained calm, acted quickly and collaborated well with all of the team players. Due to Terri's professional care, this patient's life was spared. The patient and family were extremely grateful for the care and quick response they received. I am proud to call this nurse my co-worker!
Terri remained calm, acted quickly and collaborated well with all of the team players. Due to Terri's professional care, this patient's life was spared. The patient and family were extremely grateful for the care and quick response they received. I am proud to call this nurse my co-worker!