Catherine Anne Louise Yambao
September 2017
9 North- General Unit
St. Luke's Medical Center Global City
Global City Taguig City
Cath is an epitome of caring and healing. She radiates and symbolizes what a nurse should be. She brought relief to our ongoing pain because of her empathy and cheerful disposition. Her character exudes confidence yet can transcend humility. In retrospect, my connection with Cath started when she came to meet me during her daily rounds on my first day. At that time, I was not only physically hurting, I was also emotionally and psychologically distressed. Upon seeing and talking to her, I thought she made me feel unafraid and relaxed. Towards the end of our conversation, she introduced to me, "Catch Me"; this is a Fall Prevention program acronym that increases safety awareness when ambulating. She was delighted to share that she's an active and passionate advocate of this project. After she explained the goals of such, she left me a bookmark and band, a yellow one, to symbolize/identify me as a patient who might be prone to falling. I still wear it till now - 33 days after. I'll be discharged tomorrow (with no fall, thank you, Cath).