Inez McCaughan
August 2020
Registered Midwife
Delivery Suite
MidCentral District Health Board
Palmerston North
New Zealand




New Zealand was in lockdown due to COVID and I was full term pregnant with baby number 5. To say I was stressed was an understatement. Late in the evening I had a few niggles but nothing major or regular. I woke up in the early hours, contractions all over the place but quite strong. I woke my partner and rang the midwife. A couple of contractions later and that was it, we had to get to the hospital. My last baby was VBAC and only 20mins from 4cms dilated to delivered. This time I also had polyhydramnios and was not fully engaged so a cord prolapse was a high concern. My partner loaded the 4 year old, 3 year old and 18 month old into the car and rushed us to the hospital. On the was there I rang the delivery suite and explained I was going to need help at the doors below. That's when I met Inez. My partner had to take the kids home due to keeping our COVID bubble intact. I stumbled into the hospital to birth my baby alone but I was wrong, I had Inez.
As I grabbed the walls in contractions trying to get to the ward, Inez offered me a wheelchair, then smiled when my naivety said I would not be wheeled in. Instead, I got words of support and a gentle hand.
When I demanded Inez break my waters she didn't question it but instead trusted me to know my body, which she discovered was fully dilated. Even when my body tried to flood the room, Inez stood by me. When I said no line, she agreed. When I flipped to my side, she let me have the choice of my position instead of moving me. Once my waters were gone, it was only one push and my baby was born.
My midwife didn't make it in time, but that's why I birth at the hospital. I know it doesn't matter, I will still have the best care. All this happened in about 12 minutes. Due to COVID, I had no support person, no partner, no sister, but I had Inez which made all the difference. I was not alone in my birth. Inez gave me respect. Inez gave me support. This amazing midwife gave me a choice. But most of all, Inez gave me power in one of the most chaotic moments I could be in.
I would love for this amazing midwife's actions to be recognised. Not only was she my midwife, but she was also my support person and my champion. Hospital midwives, 99% of the time, support an LMC or specialist, and once all is over, they fall back into the background to do it all over again in the next room. They are not in it for the glory, but because they care and want to make a difference. Inez is an outstanding example of this.