Laura Aiello
November 2020
Kaiser Permanente Sacramento Medical Center
As I turned to walk away, she gently tugged at my lab coat which made me turn back and she said with tears in her eyes and quivering voice "thank you for giving me the chance to say goodbye".
Every moment matters. It took 4 people to make this moment happen, but it was worth it. The other day, while I was getting ready to head home, Laura walked into the office and asked me to help her set up a meeting between a daughter and her dying father who happened to be in triple isolation for COVID. The patient had come in stable but his condition was deteriorating and she was called to come in to see him as it appeared his demise would be imminent if he did not receive aggressive interventions which the patient did not want. The patient's daughter was met by Laura who allowed her time to cry, vent, and answered all of her questions. Laura came to me to help her arrange a face to face meeting, fearing it could be the last time they might see each other. We tried the iPad but we could not get it to work so we ended up having her use her flip phone to call him. We walked her over to the window of the patient's room, moved the bed against the window, turned him to face his daughter, and patiently held the phone to his ear for the entire visit. He seemed very end of life, I told her to still talk to him because it is believed that hearing is the last thing to go. The daughter was understandably very upset, crying, and in disbelief. Once she began speaking to him, he opened his eyes and started having a conversation with her. She took a deep breath and told him all about her day. Laura called the doctor, who kindly spoke to the daughter, explained the options, and the current condition of the patient. I heard her say to him "I trust you and I trust everyone here, and I thank you for taking the time to answer my questions". As I turned to walk away, she gently tugged at my lab coat which made me turn back and she said with tears in her eyes and quivering voice "thank you for giving me the chance to say goodbye".
It took all four of us to make this moment happen, but it was well worth it. I would like to recognize Laura because this is only one of many times, she has been observed providing excellent care to patients in need. She is very patient and compassionate and truly a patient advocate.
It took all four of us to make this moment happen, but it was well worth it. I would like to recognize Laura because this is only one of many times, she has been observed providing excellent care to patients in need. She is very patient and compassionate and truly a patient advocate.