Jenna Lepisto
April 2020
Cardiac Rehab
Aurora St. Luke's Medical Center of Aurora Health Care Metro, Inc.




Before we had decided to re-open our program, Jenna had over 70 patients enrolled in the program!
At the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, our department was faced with the closure of our outpatient department. We were told that we would be re-assigned to other areas of the hospital that needed the most help and would have minimal interaction with our current patients for weeks to come. When Jenna heard this news, she was bound and determined to find a way to continue to help our patients live a heart-healthy lifestyle during these uncertain times. She had presented an idea to our bosses about re-implementing a hybrid cardiac rehab program that we had once piloted a year or so prior.
This program would allow us to keep in contact with our patients through an app that is downloaded onto their phones. With Jenna's persistence and compassion for her patients, the program was re-approved for immediate use. Within two weeks, Jenna had contacted half our current patient list and enrolled them into the program. Jenna was dedicated to calling and contacting the patients enrolled in the program weekly, sometimes more, and providing them compassionate care from a distance. She sent daily tips/tricks, advice on exercise/nutrition/stress management, and was really a constant reliable resource for our patients during such troubling times. She truly dedicated herself to this new program and her patients.
Before we had decided to re-open our program, Jenna had over 70 patients enrolled in the program! I know I speak for the rest of my department when I say that we are truly lucky to have Jenna as a part of our team and are very proud of the commitment that she makes to our patients.
Thank you.