Kat Bates
September 2020
Progressive Care Unit East
Longview Regional Medical Center
Kat, you put the patient's care first and ensured that he was fed, hydrated, and given his medications as well as included him in his care. Your compassion was on full display!
Kat Bates, it was reported by your coworkers that you went above and beyond in your care of a COVID patient on the COVID unit. The patient is blind and you took the Commit to Sit model and added your own "flare" as you sat with him and fed him breakfast, lunch, and dinner in full PPE. Knowing this could take up to an hour, you put the patient's care first and ensured that he was fed, hydrated, and given his medications as well as included him in his care. Your compassion was on full display! For this, I would like to take a moment and recognize your selfishness and your commitment to EXCELLENT PATIENT CARE! You are how I would like the community to view our hospital.
Kat truly became the epitome of what I dream all staff could be. She personalized the care specific to his needs. No matter what it took. She took the time to "understand." The entire staff of the COVID unit took notice this day.
Kat truly became the epitome of what I dream all staff could be. She personalized the care specific to his needs. No matter what it took. She took the time to "understand." The entire staff of the COVID unit took notice this day.