Therese Linderholm
October 2020
Children's Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota




Therese praises their courage and acknowledges their curiosity to make their hospital experience a positive one.
Therese is truly a remarkable nurse. Our patients (and their parents) are counting on us to deliver an experience unlike any other and I truly feel that at her core, this is exactly Therese's goal every single shift that she works. She is always going above and beyond. She loves her work, and she lets it show. She is incredibly generous with her time, creativity, and especially her support of others (not just the patient and families, but also her co-workers.) She never overlooks someone who needs help and often offers encouraging words.
For example, there was a patient walking down the hallway with PT one day (it wasn't even her patient) and she said, "Wow you look great today, you are doing a good job." The patient's face lit up with a smile. She is positive. She is happy at work, or even if she was having a bad day—her patients wouldn't know it. She gives her best and finds a way to create a real connection with each person.
One day Therese was taking care of a non-verbal total care patient. She still talked to them, explained everything she was going to do. She was gentle, caring, offered a nice touch. She took time to carefully comb the patient's hair and give a nice bath and she knew that the patient liked Christmas Music—so she went to find a radio and set it up in the room to play quietly. She also helps others (her co-workers) to be their very best. She goes above and beyond by asking "How can I help you?" or "What more can I do?" She never would say "I am busy" or "That's not my job."
One day I had to call 4 code greens on my patient. I was exhausted, it was my first experience with code greens, and pretty emotional with the whole day. When I asked, Therese was able to give me encouraging feedback. Prior to that was identifying problems/triggers for the patient and solving them quickly, she was down on her knees talking to the patient in a caring way to help and try and calm her down, she was even lightly rubbing her head because by talking to the patient knew that was something that would help calm her down. I learned so much through watching her at that moment. She truly puts kids first. She channels their optimism and resiliency. She praises their courage and acknowledges their curiosity to make their hospital experience a positive one. She finds a way to embrace the spirit of the child by offering fun and excitement to her cares.
I walked into a room one day to do cares on the patient and I overheard the parent talking on the phone and this is what she said (I don't remember it word for word, but here is the basic outline) "So then the nurse gave me a hug because I was crying from all of the stress of this hospital stay, I needed that. She asked to get me a water and a coffee. She encouraged me to take a shower and later got a Volunteer to sit with XX so that I could take a warm shower. She was the only one that could make XX laugh in all of the days that we have been here. She helped me give her a warm bath, change her sheets and found her a cute pillowcase for her bed. She had massage therapy visit us and someone with oils. She even made sure this lady with cute bunnies could come in and XX just loved that. She talked to the doctors and helped advocate for me because they weren't listening, and finally, after days of me asking, some changes happened. She changed our experience, and we are happy."
I explained why I think Therese is truly remarkable and a DAISY Nurse with just a few examples, but please let it be known that those examples only brush the surface of countless other ways that Therese does to do whatever it takes to provide the best possible surface. Thank you, Therese, for being truly remarkable and providing a positive experience for patients and their families by encompassing Children's Values and a very caring heart. Children's is truly lucky to have a Nurse like you on their team.