Jennifer Wright
April 2020
Mother-Baby Unit
Union Hospital, Inc.
Jenny brought us cake to try and lift our spirits and continued to go above and beyond to be there for us.
My husband and I were in a breastfeeding class with Jenny when I started having severe contractions and pain. Jenny was concerned by what I was describing and took me upstairs because she felt I needed to be evaluated. Once in labor and delivery, I learned that I had severe preeclampsia. If Jenny had not trusted her gut to have me evaluated, the pre-eclampsia could have easily escalated to eclampsia and I could have started to experience seizures or more severe complications.
Because of Jenny's gut feeling, the doctors uncovered my pre-eclampsia issue and induced me early for the sake of my life and my son's life. When I was admitted, it was still a couple of days before they would induce me. During that time, Jenny continued to check in on us and even put together an abbreviated version of a childbirth class for us. She frequented my room to check on me, answered any questions, and helped to prepare my husband and me for induction and what NICU would be like for our son. She brought us cake to try and lift our spirits and continued to go above and beyond to be there for us; a nervous and scared couple about to meet their first child.
After delivery, Jenny continued to be there. Overall, I spent a week in the hospital for pre-eclampsia/ delivery and my son spent an additional 15 days in the NICU. Thank you for helping me through the most difficult month of my life and thank you so much for trusting your gut. Thank you for going above and beyond for us. We so appreciate you.
Because of Jenny's gut feeling, the doctors uncovered my pre-eclampsia issue and induced me early for the sake of my life and my son's life. When I was admitted, it was still a couple of days before they would induce me. During that time, Jenny continued to check in on us and even put together an abbreviated version of a childbirth class for us. She frequented my room to check on me, answered any questions, and helped to prepare my husband and me for induction and what NICU would be like for our son. She brought us cake to try and lift our spirits and continued to go above and beyond to be there for us; a nervous and scared couple about to meet their first child.
After delivery, Jenny continued to be there. Overall, I spent a week in the hospital for pre-eclampsia/ delivery and my son spent an additional 15 days in the NICU. Thank you for helping me through the most difficult month of my life and thank you so much for trusting your gut. Thank you for going above and beyond for us. We so appreciate you.