Eric Wolf
October 2016
Good Samaritan Medical Center
United States
A young mother was being cared for by Eric. She had widely metastatic cancer and was resolute in her commitment to "keep fighting" to stay alive longer for her family. Palliative Care was consulted to support the patient and family about our ability to have an open conversation regarding the reality that she was likely days to weeks from passing. Eric's open and compassionate nursing care allowed the patient and family to feel safe in asking very vulnerable questions about her declining health. Eric re-opened the door for our team to re-engage and discuss her end of life goals. Ultimately, this young woman was able to have closure and peace. It was less than 36 hours later when she passed with her family around her bedside. I firmly believe that were it not for Eric Wolf's expert nursing communication skills and compassion, her last hours would have been anything but peaceful.