Virginia McCoy
February 2020
Administrator on Duty
Bartow Regional Medical Center
United States




Virginia McCoy is a person who brings exceptional patient care to the workplace. Virginia is always a helping hand and is willing to go out of her way to help the floor run smoothly. An example of a story about how wonderful she is would be when we had an exceptionally hard night on the floor. Not only were we short-staffed, but most nurses also had a few patients that were deemed more difficult. Ms. Virginia went out of her way to help the nurses including talking to family members, helping out with patient care, as well as making sure that the staff had everything they needed to do the job efficiently and effectively.
She is always connecting on a personal level with all patients and staff. She really makes everyone here feel as though they are a part of a family. She is absolutely wonderful and deserving to be recognized for all of her efforts.
Virginia is a true example of a nurse leader that can go above and beyond for patients and patient families. We had a patient with dementia who was very difficult to redirect and even attempted to attack his wife. Code Gray was called, staff members came to intervene, and security was present. The patient was very agitated and aggressive. When Virginia McCoy, AOD, came in, she was able to calm the patient down with her compassionate words and kindness. The patient in a matter of minutes went from angry, agitated, and aggressive to happy, calm, and laughing. The family was so grateful for her and so was the staff in the way she was able to help the patient especially the wife. She is a true example of a nurse leader who is always available to help the patient, patient families, and staff. She truly represents the BayCare way of care.
Mrs. Virginia is an excellent nurse and a human being. She always goes beyond her role to recognize her team for their efforts in providing excellent patient care. A few days ago, there was a situation on the floor where one of our patients became aggressive towards his wife and staff. Mrs. V came and showing caring and compassionate skills, was able to deescalate the situation. The atmosphere in the room was changed. The staff was not surprised by this. Mrs. V is a person that the whole night shift relies on.
Ms. Virginia impacts the staff and our patients' lives every day. As a role model, she shows extraordinary behavior through hard work. No task is below her; for example, she will plunge the toilets of patient rooms, clean rooms, and beds to get patients out of the ED. This is a great example of how to show the "not my job" mentality we at BayCare want to strive for. She has earned our/my trust by being fair and consistent. She loves us all and tells us and every one the things that make us worthy. She has respect and shows it to staff and customers. She does not criticize in front of others. She will listen and work with others to find a solution that works both for the hospital policy and wants of customers. She is positive and promotes positivity. She comes to our huddles and takes the time to give us her "I'm older than you" wisdom. She explains how to deal with stressful situations and people with respect and kindness. She does not show herself being overwhelmed, she handles herself in a calm and knowing way.
Ms. Virginia comes onto the unit every time she's scheduled and goes into each and every patient's room and asks how they are, how their day was, and how she can make it better - and she follows through. She makes sure her staff are OK. If they are overwhelmed, she'll see to it they will receive help. She has an incredible gift for loving the unloved. I have witnessed her spending her own time and money on those who need it. This includes staff and patients.
Ms. Virginia goes above and beyond her call of duty. She is a true DAISY Nurse Leader. I love her, respect her, and would like to become a leader like she is.
Virginia exemplifies what BayCare stands for.
I remember an incident when a patient had come up to the floor who had been in the ER for quite some time. When he got to the floor, he was extremely hungry. We were out of a lot of items, for it was the weekend and nothing had been restocked. Virginia went down to the kitchen and prepared him a meal herself. Absolutely nothing and no one is beneath her. She treats everyone in the same manner, with dignity and respect.
She is a very hands-on, compassionate person. I've also witnessed many occasions where she has consoled patients and their families in their time of need. There is something so extraordinarily special about her. She can just walk into a room, and her presence is noted.
She is a wonderful mentor to all of us.
Virginia's presence calms the most confused and agitated patients. I have witnessed her console and encourage family members of a deceased patient. She advocates for patient and staff safety by ensuring the nurse to patient ration is appropriate based on patient acuity. She displays a positive attitude and enjoys sharing the knowledge she has acquired throughout her career. She is the definition of an exemplary leader. I count it an honor to be working under the supervision of an extraordinary person.
Mrs. Virginia always lends a helping hand without asking. One particular night another nurse had a confused patient and he was not following commands and being aggressive with staff. A Code Grey was called; Mrs. Virginia and the rest of the team arrived. Mrs. Virginia immediately began to demonstrate efficient leadership skills. Mrs. Virginia began to coordinate a plan of action to redirect the patient. The way she was able to communicate with the patient, no one else in the room was able to effectively calm the patient. Mrs. Virginia demonstrated compassion and patience when interacting with the confused patient. The tone of her voice and gentle touch allowed the patient to feel safe and he began to trust her. The patient began to listen to Mrs. Virginia's suggestions regarding his safety. Everyone in the room was very thankful Mrs. Virginia was present, including the patient's family. Mrs. Virginia's ability to diffuse difficult situations while simultaneously demonstrating respect and compassion makes her an extraordinary nurse leader. While observing Mrs. Virginia with the patient, I knew the situation would have a favorable outcome. Mrs. Virginia is always promoting the image of a competent, action-oriented leader.
Ms. Virginia is always smiling and greeting people she passes. She's always giving out hugs to those that are OK with them and asking how everyone is and remembers your name. If ever there is an issue with patients or families, she will be first to stand on the front line and respectfully handle it. She always has your back and is willing to lend a hand with anything. If a call light is going off, she will answer it no matter what she is in the middle of. She gives day shift and night shift a pep talk whenever she thinks they are feeling down or drained, and she always tells it like it is. No sugar coating. She is always professional and will always take someone off to the side if she feels they need to be spoken to, instead of potentially embarrassing them in front of others. She is always kind and she is the kind of leader I always strive to become.
We had a patient that was upset about pain meds. She came to the patient room and sat down and was so kind and understanding and talked to the patient and calmed her down. But Mrs. Virginia is so understanding and caring with all the patients and staff and anyone can approach her, and she is always available to staff and all her patients. If all nurses were like Mrs. Virginia, but I guess that is what makes her special.
Mrs. Virginia McCoy, RN - what can I say about her? A whole lot, but her smile says it all. I love and appreciate her for everything that she does. She's a wonderful human being, a great cook, and a magnificent listener.
Note: This is Virginia's 2nd DAISY Award!