August 2015
Joe DIMaggio Children's Hospital
United States
One sad day in the OR, a baby undergoing surgery for a diaphragmatic hernia passed away. This was the first OR death and the surgical services team was devastated. Sheldon Joynt and Monique Hewitt from the NICU stayed in the holding area supporting the family as well as the staff. They patiently allowed the family to grieve and completed all the paperwork necessary. They provided post-mortem care with tenderness - never once appearing hurried or focused on what might be waiting for them upon their return to their own patients.
On behalf of the surgical services department, we would like to nominate Sheldon and Monique for the DAISY Award- an honor which they truly deserve!
On behalf of the surgical services department, we would like to nominate Sheldon and Monique for the DAISY Award- an honor which they truly deserve!