Chris Apel-Cram
April 2013
Surgical Intensive Care Unit
DartmouthHitchcock Medical Center
United States
At a recent morning huddle, one of our nurse's brought up Chris, and how she had come in a few days that week to speak at huddle about new skin care protocol changes. She came in on her days off, (which are few) to share with us information she discovered/and made changes to, simply because she was passionate about it, not because she had to. She is involved and volunteers on the unit's SWIT (skin & wound care) team, the UBC, and several other councils and happenings. If, at any point, one of us has a skin or wound question, she is the first nurse we go ask. For skin questions, she is an amazing resource, makes everyone feel confident in asking for help, and will aid in any way possible. In the resource role, she is willing to do anything to make the day go smoother, including assisting aides. I have heard so many nurses say, "If I was an ICU patient, I'd want Chris to be my nurse." She is known for her impeccable hygiene, attention to detail, and caring touch. When there have been family issues with nursing, etc. Chris is often called upon to help mediate the situation if she is on that day. She is kind and understanding. She has been with DHMC for over 30 years, become CCRN certified, and obtained certification in other areas. Chris truly loves her job and her co-workers and comes in every day with an incredibly upbeat attitude. What is most special about Chris is her willingness to recognize everyone around her for doing a good job. She even took the time to write me an email one day thanking me for advocating for a patient, and just for helping out. This is not uncommon for Chris because she takes the time to empower and recognize her colleagues. This time around, she deserves the pat on the back and a round of applause. She is an incredible nurse!