ED Team
November 2019
Emergency Department
Thomas Jefferson University Hospital
United States
Vincent Aguilar ED Tech,
Matthew Alice Clinical Nurse,
Gilberto Aponte ED Tech,
Lisa Arena ED Tech,
James Ashton Nurse Extern I,
Marowa Bahar Student,
Joyce Ann Barcelon Pool Nurse ER,
Elizabeth Barr Clinical Operations Coord,
Anna Belc Pool Nurse ER,
Aisha Belton Pool Nurse ER,
Alex Bianchimano Clinical Nurse,
Carley Boehning Clinical Nurse,
Jennifer Bohn-Wargny Admin Supervisor,
Richter Bouley Clinical Nurse,
Dennis Boyer III ED Tech,
Michael Boyle Clinical Nurse,
Kim Brown Pool Nurse ER,
Aileen Brunswick Clinical Nurse,
Chrisi Bush Clinical Nurse,
Molly Byrne Clinical Nurse,
Brooke Callahan Clinical Nurse,
Heather Campbell Clinical Nurse,
Elizabeth Carew Clinical Nurse,
Elizabeth Carew Pool Nurse ER,
Christine Casey Clinical Operations Coord,
Roy Castor ED Tech,
Caroline Christiansen Clinical Nurse,
Susan Cissone Nurse Manager,
Jill Cipolone Admin Supervisor,
Indae Colter ED Tech,
Tamara Connor Pool Nurse ER,
Jeffrey Cook Pool Nurse ER,
Jason Cooper ED Tech,
Karlene Copeland Clinical Nurse,
Candace Coppola Clinical Operations Coord,
Jonathan Cortes ED Tech,
Larry Covington ED Tech,
Joseph Curcio Emergency Dept Materials Tech,
Rachel Curcio ED Tech,
Emily Cziraky Student,
Stephanie Danko Clinical Nurse,
Thomas Davey Sr Clinical Nurse,
Cloe Davis ED Support Staff,
Donna Davis ED Support Staff,
Alicia DeBruhl ED Tech,
Kathleen Deis Clinical Nurse Specialist(Ex),
Sara Del Vecchio ED Tech,
Ashley Ding Student,
Kathleen DiPaolo Clinical Nurse,
Barbara Dougherty Pool Nurse ER,
Susanette Evans Pool Nurse ER,
Brynn Ferri Clinical Nurse,
Victoria Finley Clinical Nurse,
Laura Foley Clinical Nurse,
Richard Ford ED Tech,
Theresa Forrest Clinical Nurse,
Samantha Fraley ED Support Staff,
Jennifer Frey Clinical Nurse,
Karlee Friedrichs Clinical Nurse,
Marianne Fritz ED Tech,
Maxine Gibson ED Support Staff,
Alexandra Giduck Clinical Nurse,
Jennifer Gil Clinical Nurse,
Nancy Glatfelter Clinical Nurse,
Nancy Gonzalez ED Support Staff,
Antoinette Green ED Support Staff,
Lauren Henley Clinical Nurse,
Elizabeth Heyer Clinical Nurse,
Diane Higginson Clinical Nurse,
Ann Hoang ED Tech,
Patricia Holland Clinical Operations Coord,
Joseph Horneff Clinical Operations Coord,
Donna Ioquinto Admin Assistant,
Katelyn Janowiak Clinical Nurse,
Neha Jasani ED Support Staff,
Karen Jenkins Clinical Nurse,
Ashley Johnson-Howell Clinical Nurse,
Sharon Jones Clinical Nurse,
Michael Kandel ED Tech,
Amanda Kasdras Clinical Nurse,
Heather Kellum Clinical Nurse,
Joseph Kelly Clinical Operations Coord,
Jenna Kennelly Clinical Nurse,
Jonathan Kinne ED Tech,
Matthew Klemowitz ED Tech,
Cassandra Knapp Clinical Nurse,
Arlisha Koita ED Support Staff,
Lisa Koung Clinical Nurse,
Marsela Kuka Pool Nurse ER,
Abayomi Layinka Pool Nurse ER,
Jessie Lentz ED Tech,
Teresa Li-Follis Clinical Nurse,
Angela Lin Clinical Nurse,
Craig Lohmann ED Tech,
Alexander Lolli Clinical Nurse,
Cheemeng Low ED Tech,
Christine Maletta Clinical Nurse,
Dominick Manno ED Tech,
Carol Mc Cutchen ED Support Staff,
Sharon Mc Menamin ED Support Staff,
Christine McDermond Clinical Nurse,
Kristen McNally Clinical Nurse,
Alexandra Melchiorre ED Tech,
Natalya Melkus Clinical Nurse,
Ciera Mendicino Clinical Nurse,
Eric Michaels Clinical Nurse,
Sigal Middleton Pool Nurse ER,
Marjorie Miller Clinical Nurse,
Kendra Mochel Clinical Nurse,
Marcos Molina ED Support Staff,
Kristen Mooers Clinical Nurse,
Leighann Morris Clinical Nurse,
Brian Murphy Clinical Nurse,
Lisa Nutter ED Support Staff,
Erin O'Kane Staff Development Nurse,
Antonina Orchakova Clinical Nurse,
Marissa Pacitto Clinical Nurse,
Damian Padilla ED Tech,
Nicole Pagliuso ED Tech,
Andrew Parker Clinical Nurse,
Alison Pendergast Clinical Nurse,
Steven Peters Clinical Nurse,
Michaela Petrone Clinical Nurse,
Christopher Phung Clinical Nurse,
Carla Pinion ED Support Staff,
Simrat Plaha ED Tech,
Jennifer Potchen Clinical Operations Coord,
Timofey Prikhodko Clinical Nurse,
Meghan Quinn Clinical Operations Coord,
Melissa Radcliff Nurse Extern I,
Alan Radichel ED Tech,
Ian Ray ED Tech,
Jonathan Recchi Clinical Nurse,
Jessica Regam ED Tech,
Terrence Reid Clinical Nurse,
Dawn Reitz Clinical Nurse,
Kacie Riebman ED Tech,
Allison Riley Clinical Nurse,
LaShonda Robertson Clinical Nurse,
Katherine Rodenhaver Clinical Nurse,
Teresa Rosenberg Clinical Nurse,
Kimberly Rost Clinical Nurse,
Nicolette Rovet Clinical Nurse,
Uhura Russ Pool Nurse ER,
Megan Rzasa Clinical Nurse,
Victoria Schlamb Clinical Nurse,
Nicole Schott Clinical Nurse,
Caitlin Schultice Clinical Nurse,
Valentina Sciulli Clinical Nurse,
Ana Segal Clinical Nurse,
Corey Shepler Clinical Nurse,
Tara Shugars Clinical Nurse,
Lecie Solomon-Brooks Pool Nurse ER,
Jackson Staples ED Tech,
Laura Stebbins Clinical Nurse,
Jacob Stonelake Clinical Nurse,
Brittany Sturm Clinical Nurse,
Maria Suarez ED Support Staff,
Mary Tandourjian Clinical Nurse,
Ellyn Taylor Clinical Operations Coord,
Chad Thomas Clinical Nurse,
Corey Thompson ED Tech,
Kelly Thurman ED Support Staff,
Lisa Traceski Clinical Nurse,
Jonathan Trost Clinical Nurse,
Joseph Truglio Clinical Nurse,
Joseph Tuzzolino ED Tech,
Jean Van Dyke ED Support Staff,
Jabron Warren ED Tech,
Karissa Watson ED Tech,
Louis Weil ED Tech,
John Weixler Clinical Nurse,
Margaret Williams Clinical Nurse,
Janice Zappala ED Support Staff,
Jeanette Zoltowski Clinical Operations Coord
Matthew Alice Clinical Nurse,
Gilberto Aponte ED Tech,
Lisa Arena ED Tech,
James Ashton Nurse Extern I,
Marowa Bahar Student,
Joyce Ann Barcelon Pool Nurse ER,
Elizabeth Barr Clinical Operations Coord,
Anna Belc Pool Nurse ER,
Aisha Belton Pool Nurse ER,
Alex Bianchimano Clinical Nurse,
Carley Boehning Clinical Nurse,
Jennifer Bohn-Wargny Admin Supervisor,
Richter Bouley Clinical Nurse,
Dennis Boyer III ED Tech,
Michael Boyle Clinical Nurse,
Kim Brown Pool Nurse ER,
Aileen Brunswick Clinical Nurse,
Chrisi Bush Clinical Nurse,
Molly Byrne Clinical Nurse,
Brooke Callahan Clinical Nurse,
Heather Campbell Clinical Nurse,
Elizabeth Carew Clinical Nurse,
Elizabeth Carew Pool Nurse ER,
Christine Casey Clinical Operations Coord,
Roy Castor ED Tech,
Caroline Christiansen Clinical Nurse,
Susan Cissone Nurse Manager,
Jill Cipolone Admin Supervisor,
Indae Colter ED Tech,
Tamara Connor Pool Nurse ER,
Jeffrey Cook Pool Nurse ER,
Jason Cooper ED Tech,
Karlene Copeland Clinical Nurse,
Candace Coppola Clinical Operations Coord,
Jonathan Cortes ED Tech,
Larry Covington ED Tech,
Joseph Curcio Emergency Dept Materials Tech,
Rachel Curcio ED Tech,
Emily Cziraky Student,
Stephanie Danko Clinical Nurse,
Thomas Davey Sr Clinical Nurse,
Cloe Davis ED Support Staff,
Donna Davis ED Support Staff,
Alicia DeBruhl ED Tech,
Kathleen Deis Clinical Nurse Specialist(Ex),
Sara Del Vecchio ED Tech,
Ashley Ding Student,
Kathleen DiPaolo Clinical Nurse,
Barbara Dougherty Pool Nurse ER,
Susanette Evans Pool Nurse ER,
Brynn Ferri Clinical Nurse,
Victoria Finley Clinical Nurse,
Laura Foley Clinical Nurse,
Richard Ford ED Tech,
Theresa Forrest Clinical Nurse,
Samantha Fraley ED Support Staff,
Jennifer Frey Clinical Nurse,
Karlee Friedrichs Clinical Nurse,
Marianne Fritz ED Tech,
Maxine Gibson ED Support Staff,
Alexandra Giduck Clinical Nurse,
Jennifer Gil Clinical Nurse,
Nancy Glatfelter Clinical Nurse,
Nancy Gonzalez ED Support Staff,
Antoinette Green ED Support Staff,
Lauren Henley Clinical Nurse,
Elizabeth Heyer Clinical Nurse,
Diane Higginson Clinical Nurse,
Ann Hoang ED Tech,
Patricia Holland Clinical Operations Coord,
Joseph Horneff Clinical Operations Coord,
Donna Ioquinto Admin Assistant,
Katelyn Janowiak Clinical Nurse,
Neha Jasani ED Support Staff,
Karen Jenkins Clinical Nurse,
Ashley Johnson-Howell Clinical Nurse,
Sharon Jones Clinical Nurse,
Michael Kandel ED Tech,
Amanda Kasdras Clinical Nurse,
Heather Kellum Clinical Nurse,
Joseph Kelly Clinical Operations Coord,
Jenna Kennelly Clinical Nurse,
Jonathan Kinne ED Tech,
Matthew Klemowitz ED Tech,
Cassandra Knapp Clinical Nurse,
Arlisha Koita ED Support Staff,
Lisa Koung Clinical Nurse,
Marsela Kuka Pool Nurse ER,
Abayomi Layinka Pool Nurse ER,
Jessie Lentz ED Tech,
Teresa Li-Follis Clinical Nurse,
Angela Lin Clinical Nurse,
Craig Lohmann ED Tech,
Alexander Lolli Clinical Nurse,
Cheemeng Low ED Tech,
Christine Maletta Clinical Nurse,
Dominick Manno ED Tech,
Carol Mc Cutchen ED Support Staff,
Sharon Mc Menamin ED Support Staff,
Christine McDermond Clinical Nurse,
Kristen McNally Clinical Nurse,
Alexandra Melchiorre ED Tech,
Natalya Melkus Clinical Nurse,
Ciera Mendicino Clinical Nurse,
Eric Michaels Clinical Nurse,
Sigal Middleton Pool Nurse ER,
Marjorie Miller Clinical Nurse,
Kendra Mochel Clinical Nurse,
Marcos Molina ED Support Staff,
Kristen Mooers Clinical Nurse,
Leighann Morris Clinical Nurse,
Brian Murphy Clinical Nurse,
Lisa Nutter ED Support Staff,
Erin O'Kane Staff Development Nurse,
Antonina Orchakova Clinical Nurse,
Marissa Pacitto Clinical Nurse,
Damian Padilla ED Tech,
Nicole Pagliuso ED Tech,
Andrew Parker Clinical Nurse,
Alison Pendergast Clinical Nurse,
Steven Peters Clinical Nurse,
Michaela Petrone Clinical Nurse,
Christopher Phung Clinical Nurse,
Carla Pinion ED Support Staff,
Simrat Plaha ED Tech,
Jennifer Potchen Clinical Operations Coord,
Timofey Prikhodko Clinical Nurse,
Meghan Quinn Clinical Operations Coord,
Melissa Radcliff Nurse Extern I,
Alan Radichel ED Tech,
Ian Ray ED Tech,
Jonathan Recchi Clinical Nurse,
Jessica Regam ED Tech,
Terrence Reid Clinical Nurse,
Dawn Reitz Clinical Nurse,
Kacie Riebman ED Tech,
Allison Riley Clinical Nurse,
LaShonda Robertson Clinical Nurse,
Katherine Rodenhaver Clinical Nurse,
Teresa Rosenberg Clinical Nurse,
Kimberly Rost Clinical Nurse,
Nicolette Rovet Clinical Nurse,
Uhura Russ Pool Nurse ER,
Megan Rzasa Clinical Nurse,
Victoria Schlamb Clinical Nurse,
Nicole Schott Clinical Nurse,
Caitlin Schultice Clinical Nurse,
Valentina Sciulli Clinical Nurse,
Ana Segal Clinical Nurse,
Corey Shepler Clinical Nurse,
Tara Shugars Clinical Nurse,
Lecie Solomon-Brooks Pool Nurse ER,
Jackson Staples ED Tech,
Laura Stebbins Clinical Nurse,
Jacob Stonelake Clinical Nurse,
Brittany Sturm Clinical Nurse,
Maria Suarez ED Support Staff,
Mary Tandourjian Clinical Nurse,
Ellyn Taylor Clinical Operations Coord,
Chad Thomas Clinical Nurse,
Corey Thompson ED Tech,
Kelly Thurman ED Support Staff,
Lisa Traceski Clinical Nurse,
Jonathan Trost Clinical Nurse,
Joseph Truglio Clinical Nurse,
Joseph Tuzzolino ED Tech,
Jean Van Dyke ED Support Staff,
Jabron Warren ED Tech,
Karissa Watson ED Tech,
Louis Weil ED Tech,
John Weixler Clinical Nurse,
Margaret Williams Clinical Nurse,
Janice Zappala ED Support Staff,
Jeanette Zoltowski Clinical Operations Coord
It was over the summer when a tragic incident exemplified the dynamic Emergency Department team I am so proud to be a part of at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital.
On this day, an alleged DUI driver struck three pedestrians and another vehicle with three passengers just outside of our hospital on 10th street. I was in service that day assigned as a trauma RN. At the time the accident occurred, I happened to be planning a Unit Council meeting with Kate Deis, our Clinical Specialist, when I heard an overhead page, made with great urgency that medical help was needed immediately out in front of our ED. The instantaneous and contiguous response from my coworkers was absolutely amazing to both witness and be a part of!
Despite the ER already having a very high census and acuity of patients at the time of the sudden event, we all seamlessly and without hesitation responded in the most effective and efficient way possible, instinctively relying on our strengths. My colleagues with pre-hospital experience immediately ran outside and began to assess each patient's condition while prioritizing each patients' needs. I immediately went to the trauma bay and quickly prepared to receive three LEVEL ONE traumas, while Kate quickly began to assist in managing everything else going on in the department. Even the newer nurses and techs immediately became involved, covering additional assignments, mobilizing stretchers, delivering c-collars, and backboards to the scene, while those nurses and techs with more critical care experience provided help at the scene and additional assistance in the trauma bay.
The three pedestrians were deemed in critical condition. Many of the nursing staff who brought the patients into the ED, were oblivious of the blood-stained scrubs they were wearing. Their only focus was to get these critical patients into the Emergency Department's Resuscitation Bays. As each patient arrived in the trauma bay, without hesitation or direction, we naturally broke off into resuscitation groups to care for each patient. Moreover, the four remaining patients were placed in the emergency department to be assessed and cared for appropriately by our nursing staff.
I have been an Emergency Nurse at Jefferson for over 25 years. It is this heroic team of emergency nursing staff that gives me great pride to work alongside in caring for our patients every day. On this day, roles were unannounced yet executed seamlessly. Without a unified and selfless staff, this situation could have amounted to total chaos. After all the patients were stabilized, there were smiles and high fives among our staff, acknowledging each other for the incredible teamwork that had just taken place. After my shift was over, my fellow trauma nurse walked over and gave me a long hug. No words were exchanged as no words were needed, but in that hug was a tremendous amount of mutual respect, thankfulness for each other, and relief for a job well done.
On this day, an alleged DUI driver struck three pedestrians and another vehicle with three passengers just outside of our hospital on 10th street. I was in service that day assigned as a trauma RN. At the time the accident occurred, I happened to be planning a Unit Council meeting with Kate Deis, our Clinical Specialist, when I heard an overhead page, made with great urgency that medical help was needed immediately out in front of our ED. The instantaneous and contiguous response from my coworkers was absolutely amazing to both witness and be a part of!
Despite the ER already having a very high census and acuity of patients at the time of the sudden event, we all seamlessly and without hesitation responded in the most effective and efficient way possible, instinctively relying on our strengths. My colleagues with pre-hospital experience immediately ran outside and began to assess each patient's condition while prioritizing each patients' needs. I immediately went to the trauma bay and quickly prepared to receive three LEVEL ONE traumas, while Kate quickly began to assist in managing everything else going on in the department. Even the newer nurses and techs immediately became involved, covering additional assignments, mobilizing stretchers, delivering c-collars, and backboards to the scene, while those nurses and techs with more critical care experience provided help at the scene and additional assistance in the trauma bay.
The three pedestrians were deemed in critical condition. Many of the nursing staff who brought the patients into the ED, were oblivious of the blood-stained scrubs they were wearing. Their only focus was to get these critical patients into the Emergency Department's Resuscitation Bays. As each patient arrived in the trauma bay, without hesitation or direction, we naturally broke off into resuscitation groups to care for each patient. Moreover, the four remaining patients were placed in the emergency department to be assessed and cared for appropriately by our nursing staff.
I have been an Emergency Nurse at Jefferson for over 25 years. It is this heroic team of emergency nursing staff that gives me great pride to work alongside in caring for our patients every day. On this day, roles were unannounced yet executed seamlessly. Without a unified and selfless staff, this situation could have amounted to total chaos. After all the patients were stabilized, there were smiles and high fives among our staff, acknowledging each other for the incredible teamwork that had just taken place. After my shift was over, my fellow trauma nurse walked over and gave me a long hug. No words were exchanged as no words were needed, but in that hug was a tremendous amount of mutual respect, thankfulness for each other, and relief for a job well done.