Vern Leddige
June 2019
Emergency Department
United States




I brought my niece into the ED with addiction issues. Her sister was with us. We met Vern in triage and then they took her back to the ED. It was a very emotional and distressing time for all. Her sister and I took a break from being in the ED room and went to the waiting room. Vern came over and asked us how we were doing, and did we need anything. I said this wasn't easy and Vern knelt down to be at our level with us. He was so kind, caring and gentle! He explained to us the effects of severe alcohol abuse. He told us she would be there until morning.
Vern reassured us in ways no one else had done. In the conversation, he treated my niece as a real person, not just "another" alcohol abuser. He went over and above as the triage nurse and told us we should go home, and he would keep an eye on her all night and call us if needed.
His compassion, realness and true caring were stellar. He made an extremely difficult night easier for us.