Amanda Meszaros
December 2019
4 Front Telemetry
Chippenham Hospital
United States




I had gotten to the point where fear and pain no longer mattered, and I just didn't care anymore. I tried to sublimate those feelings, but any astute nurse would recognize immediately that something was dreadfully wrong. My attending nurse, Amanda, happened to be in the room and immediately recognized what was wrong and reacted very quietly and effectively. She didn't cajole or call for help. She simply watched and waited until the emotional foam was gone. Then, she did a very simple thing, she gently put her hand on my shoulder and said to me with a subdued whisper: "It's okay." Her calm demeanor, those two kind words, and that gentle smile were enough to make me realize that it was not yet time to give up and turn out the lights. During a downtime, Amanda came in and sat down with me and we talked. We talked about her future in nursing. What Amanda had done for me at Chippenham helped me get through the surgery and recovery process with much less stress and a brighter outlook. I am indeed grateful to her for what she did for me.