Lee Miller
September 2019
Neuroscience & Observation Unit
Mary Washington Hospital
United States




I was hospitalized for 3 days for a blood clot in the leg. Lee was my nurse on the Wednesday day shift. From the minute he entered the room and introduced himself you could see the difference in his nursing style. He displayed an upbeat attitude and an obvious concern for me as his patient. He made sure that I had water, asked my wife if she needed water or anything, and said he would return. He did return to check on me. He checked my leg. He didn't just look at it. He examined it. He asked how it felt and if I had any concerns.
When he came to do my medications, he asked questions regarding a medication that I was on that the hospital did not have available to give to me. At that point we realized that the information in the chart was incorrect regarding the dosage. Somewhere along the line someone entered the wrong dosage and number of times in the day the medicine was to be given. Fortunately, it was my medicine and I knew when and how much to give myself. No one else noticed or asked about that medicine. He was informative, and a true advocate for me. He always made sure I was comfortable. Lee truly made a huge difference in the care given to me. I never felt that Lee was waiting for the day to end, or that he was so busy that he had to rush caring for me. I am sure he gave as much to his other patients. You can see it in his personality. He loves his job, and it truly shows.