Annie Meisinger
December 2019
Nursing Resource Coordinator
Nebraska Medicine- Bellevue
United States




Annie came up to the labor and delivery floor to help us out with a Cesarean section. We told her that the patient's husband would not be able to go back to the operating room with her because they had their two-year-old with them. They are military and had no one to come to the hospital to get him. Annie couldn't stand to hear this and she offered to watch their little boy so the patient wouldn't have to go to surgery alone. Annie cuddled this scared and tired two-year-old for over two hours while his parents were back in the operating room. Annie has so much love in her heart and it shows in the way she cares for our patients. On this day (and most days if we're being honest) Annie showed an incredible amount of compassion and provided this family with extraordinary care. A woman was able to have her support person during her C-section, a father was able to be there for the birth of his son and a small child got to be blissfully unaware that any of this was happening all because of Annie. Annie is extraordinary. I would want her on my team during any crisis. She is one of the sweetest, kindest and most caring people you could ever meet. These people will remember her kindness for the rest of their lives. Thank you, Annie.