Lagaytha Lewallen
April 2016
Wound Ostomy
Midland Memorial Hospital
United States




Lagaytha was nominated by a patient's wife for helping her husband with his ostomy appliance. The couple, who live in Colorado, were only in Midland for one day while visiting their daughter, who suggested they come to MMH to see Lagaytha. Even though it was short notice, Lagaytha didn't hesitate to see them. The husband had recently been diagnosed with bladder cancer and having an ostomy was part of his treatment. The ostomy appliance he was recommended to use by another healthcare facility would leak after a few days and resulted in a mess and terrible odor. The leakage caused him so much anxiety and embarrassment that he was beginning to become depressed, the wife said. The samples Lagaytha gave the couple have extended the wear time to six or seven days without any leakage. "Your help and suggestions have allowed my husband to be active again and have greater control of his life," the wife said. "I would even go as far as saying you have helped save his life! Midland Memorial Hospital's Wound Care Center is very blessed to have you on their staff."
Lagaytha is said to spread joy and sunshine everywhere she goes. She frequently hands out stickers or pens to the staff and always has a hug or a good word for everyone. Her peers say she is passionate about her job and patients love her. One co-worker says Lagaytha is the most positive person she has ever met; she has a constant smile her on her face and is always promoting good will. Lagaytha is a shining example of our MMH core values caring heart and healing mission, not only to her patients, but to everyone she encounters in her life! "In short, Lagaytha ROCKS!" the co-worker said.
Because of Lagaytha's compassionate and caring efforts, her patients experience a level of care that exemplifies the impact nurses have in creating an environment where patients and families feel at home.
Note: This is Lagaytha's second DAISY Award!