Tammy Jo
January 2013
Tammy Jo
TidalHealth Peninsula Regional
United States




Recently the staff of CTICU had a frequently confused patient who was at risk for removing his tracheostomy and ventilator connections. The patient was periodically restrained during this period when I made my rounds during the first two days of my assignment as nursing supervisor. When I came to do my rounds in CTICU, the patient was listening to a radio, relaxed, and unrestrained.
Tammy Jo Kinhart who was assigned to this patient during this time frame was well aware of the challenges associated with caring for this patient in light of his confusion and the risk he posed to himself. Therefore, she took it upon herself on her way to work, to stop into a local establishment and purchase a radio for this gentleman so that he could listen to music in bed and interact more appropriately with his environment without the use of physical or chemical restraints. The patient presented at ease to then listen to music and converse with the staff as well as myself with far less anxiety thanks to the efforts of this extraordinary nurse who went above and beyond the call of duty.
Tammy Jo is a model nurse for all PRMC employees to follow in light of her compassion and ability to go above and beyond for the patients we serve.