Nickolas Mileos
November 2014
Cardiothoracic Intensive Care Unit
University of Chicago Medicine
United States
I wanted to share with you a story that absolutely melted my heart. Nick Mileos, RN, ICU Supplemental RN, floated to my unit last Tuesday and cared for a patient that had been on the unit for many months after multiple organ transplants. The patient was finally being discharged to a rehabilitation facility that day after a very long and tortuous course. Nick realized that it was the patient's birthday and spent all morning securing a piece of cake from dietary, making a makeshift candle and then gathered everyone on the unit to sing Happy Birthday to him.
All the nurses, physicians, respiratory therapists, physical therapists, and our secretary gathered together in his room to give him this "surprise birthday" party and sing to him. I had never seen the patient look so pleased, he was smiling and even blushing from all the attention. It was not only a great way to celebrate one of our "resident" patients, but a nice send off as well.
Unfortunately, the patient passed away unexpectedly just a couple of days after being discharged. I can't help but think that Nick created the patient's last happy memory, and to have it happy at UCM on my unit makes me proud. He is exactly the type of nurse that makes our organization special!
All the nurses, physicians, respiratory therapists, physical therapists, and our secretary gathered together in his room to give him this "surprise birthday" party and sing to him. I had never seen the patient look so pleased, he was smiling and even blushing from all the attention. It was not only a great way to celebrate one of our "resident" patients, but a nice send off as well.
Unfortunately, the patient passed away unexpectedly just a couple of days after being discharged. I can't help but think that Nick created the patient's last happy memory, and to have it happy at UCM on my unit makes me proud. He is exactly the type of nurse that makes our organization special!