Teresa Van de Woestyne
January 2014
Labor and Delivery
UnityPoint Health-Trinity
Rock Island
United States
Teresa made 12 hours of my 24 hour labor fantastic. She was kind and compassionate and went above and beyond for my pre-delivery care. Teresa brought me comfort items I did not know to ask for that helped me cope with unbelievable pain: stadol, a heating pad, broth, ice chips and finally helped me make a critical decision regarding an epidural. She massaged me feet and performed the gentlest cervical checks. My husband and I loved her positive attitude and cracked up at her funny jokes. We really wanted Teresa to attend our birth, but her shift was over before I delivered. We asked about her and she came to visit us the next night after we were transferred to the Mother/ Baby unit on her volition. She really cared about us and her dedication to her patients shows. Later I heard about her amazing strength. Not only does Teresa work night shifts, she commutes from Geneseo and has two small children. It really blew us away that she works so hard amidst these extra challenges. She is honest and loving and the best nurse! Teresa deserves the DAISY Award!