Amy Kemen
October 2013
School Nurse
NCH Healthcare System
United States




My son was diagnosed this past May with Type 1 diabetes. As I'm sure you can guess, our lives have been dramatically changed since that diagnosis. We are forever altered. My son, his father, and I spent the summer getting used to testing blood sugar and giving and getting shots and schedules, as well as watching and worrying all while trying to be normal and remain calm. I worry and check, check, check, on my son all day every day. And in the midst of this huge life change we had to move.

But without a fuss or annoyance Amy helped immediately. I'm so grateful. When the school year approached, I felt panic at the thought of leaving my son at school. At home I can check him and watch him and I care for him and I just didn't know how I could send him off to school. I was terrified.

We met Amy at the meet and greet and she has such a lovely way about her, I felt better almost immediately calm. Don't get me wrong I was still worried and very nervous. But we talked and she listened and she took all the information I shared and she was never annoyed with me. She never acted like she knew more or didn't want me around. She always welcomed all the information about my son that I could give. She has gone above and beyond to watch out for my son's needs and my concerns. She's kind and capable.

Amy has worked with me to make a schedule that helps him and strives not to interfere with his classmates or his teacher and their day. She emails me his blood glucose test results so I don't worry and she calls me if she feels she should. I can breathe, and my son loves her. She's just wonderful!!! Thank you so much for Amy.