Amy Woodard
April 2014
Riverside County Regional Medical Center
Moreno Valley
United States
... I have never met a nurse with a more loving heart than Amy Woodard. She is the nurse who will sit with an elderly patient because they have no visitors or family. She doesn't just do the task. She truly is PRESENT with the patients. She always communicates well with families and makes them feel important.
Despite the stresses and frustrations that accompany being a nurse, Amy takes PRIDE in her job. She is highly skilled and competent. She cares for the patient in their entirety. She consistently ensures that her patients are as comfortable as their condition allows. I have seen her cry with patients, families and other nurses. She hasn't lost her compassion through the stress; she has grown because of her unwavering love and compassion. Simple tasks such as bathing and brushing a patient's hair are important to her. She doesn't forget the small details that improve a person's dignity in the hospital. She is a PARTNER to patients and their families.
I saw an example of her PASSION yesterday as I watched her care for a terminal cancer patient. She was amazing. She treated the family like they were her own. As the family was leaving, the patient's son gave Amy a big hug. Amy made a difference! Not only for that patient, but for her six year old son.
Amy is the perfect example of a passionate, holistic nurse!
Despite the stresses and frustrations that accompany being a nurse, Amy takes PRIDE in her job. She is highly skilled and competent. She cares for the patient in their entirety. She consistently ensures that her patients are as comfortable as their condition allows. I have seen her cry with patients, families and other nurses. She hasn't lost her compassion through the stress; she has grown because of her unwavering love and compassion. Simple tasks such as bathing and brushing a patient's hair are important to her. She doesn't forget the small details that improve a person's dignity in the hospital. She is a PARTNER to patients and their families.
I saw an example of her PASSION yesterday as I watched her care for a terminal cancer patient. She was amazing. She treated the family like they were her own. As the family was leaving, the patient's son gave Amy a big hug. Amy made a difference! Not only for that patient, but for her six year old son.
Amy is the perfect example of a passionate, holistic nurse!