April 2013
Legacy Salmon Creek Medical Center
United States




Tammy's patient, a 30-year-old mother of a 7-year-old daughter, was admitted to the ICU for non-ischemic cardiomyopathy undergoing a work-up for a heart transplant at the University of Washington in Seattle. The patient had previously received an AICD for V-tach and been given a grave prognosis for recovery without transplantation.

The patient, with an ejection fraction of 15-20% and increasing cardiac de-compensation was denied placement on the transplant list due to a report that the patient had been admitted to a Seattle Hospital with a drug overdose. Tammy listened when her patient denied the allegation and dared to questions...."What if"??

Tammy went above and beyond: With her bold voice she gained the attention of the internal medicine doctor, who in turn requested the documentation of the alleged hospital admission. Upon review of the documentation, found all information entered into this patient's chart to be in error.

The patient was transferred to the University of Washington for possible LVAD as a bridge awaiting cardiac transplant.

Tammy sustains her compassion for all of her patients by daring to push herself beyond the boundaries of our expectations. It is for this very reason that Tammy is more than deserving of the DAISY Award for her compassion, vigilance and kindness. Tammy is a treasure, not only to her patients, but to the entire community of caring practitioners.