Wes Stiles
July 2014
Emergency Department
Vidant Medical Center
United States
On his way to work on December 26, Wes Stiles witnessed a motor vehicle crash right in front of him. Apparently the vehicle veered across the road and struck a tree. Wes stopped his vehicle and ran to the occupant's aid. The doors to the vehicle were locked so Wes found an object in the back of the truck to break out the windows. He found the person to be unresponsive and pulseless. With the help of another bystander, they pulled the victim from the vehicle and started CPR prior to EMS and fire units arrival on scene. EMS arrived and found the patient to have a shockable rhythm at which time the patient was successfully defibrillated with return of spontaneous circulation. He was brought to the VMC ED where he was quickly evaluated by the trauma team. He was at the time found to have an EKG indicative of an AMI. He was rushed to the cath lab where they discovered he had a complete blockage of one of the main coronary arteries. A stent was placed restoring blood to the heart muscle and the patient was admitted. Over the course of the next couple of days the patient returned to his normal self and was discharged from VMC with no ill effects from the incident.
This is a great example of training and experience being placed into action in the most critical times. Wes risked his own safety to save the life of this man. Had Wes not acted in such an expeditious and efficient manner, taking control of the situation and beginning resuscitative efforts, this man would not have survived.
This is a great example of training and experience being placed into action in the most critical times. Wes risked his own safety to save the life of this man. Had Wes not acted in such an expeditious and efficient manner, taking control of the situation and beginning resuscitative efforts, this man would not have survived.