July 2016
Outpatient Urology Clinic
Leonard J. Chabert Medical Center
United States




The first time I met Pam she immediately looked me up and down and said, "wow you're tall" and from that moment on I met a friend that I know I will have for a life time. Pam was my biggest advocate through the hardest time of my life. She greeted me and my wife with a smile and a hug every time we would see her. Anything we ever had trouble with she made sure to help us. If there was ever any confusion she would get it straight. She always tried to make things as easy as possible during our hard time. I was in a lot of pain, pain unlike any I have ever experienced, she always comforted me and my wife. She always made me feel like I was a person not just some name on a paper, not just another patient. She even gave so much love and comfort to my wife. Pam will never know how much that meant to me. My wife is my backbone and kept me strong. Pam was so kind, giving and willing to listen just when we needed someone to talk to. She comforted us, always being honest, even though those truths were hard to swallow. She just gives us great big hugs and words that would give us hope. She helped us immediately, anytime situations would arise. Always realizing that our situation was "life and death".
Pam was an angel sent to us during our hard times. She always told us that if we needed anything, to let her know. Day or night, she did not care. Little did she know how many times we would take her up on that offer. First time I had to call her because one point in my chemo I was very sick. My wife and I didn't know what to do. My wife hated to see me like that so she called Pam in the middle of the night. Pam offered to come to my home and check on me, but I did not want to put her out so she called Dr. L to make him aware of how bad I was feeling. Dr. L called the ED and made all the ED doctors aware of my condition and to get everything ready for my arrival. They had everything ready for me and I was feeling better in no time. I have to say, every time that happened she never made us feel like a burden. It was like we knew each other even though we just met. She even got job interviews for me when I was laid off work. Talk about above and beyond!
I hope I never have to go through this type of experience again, but if I did, I would have comfort knowing that Pam would be there for me. She would be there to hold my hand and give me encouragement, to make me laugh and give me hope or just to be a shoulder to cry on. Thank you Pam.