Kallie Liston
January 2020
Wellstar Douglas Hospital
United States




There are times when we as nursing professionals can acknowledge sad situations and look the other way, and there are others when we accept the call to action. Kallie Liston went above and beyond when during rounds all she said was "wouldn't it be nice if we could find out the sex of his unborn child." I was in rounds and knew that a 40-year-old man diagnosed with renal cancer that metastasized to his liver and other organs. Kallie was able to organize a miracle and a moment of peace for this family with help from the ultrasound department. At almost 15 weeks pregnant, Mr. and Mrs. B were able to dream together that they were having a girl!!! What would her face look like, will her hair be red like her dad's? At that moment Kallie demonstrated exactly what we at Wellstar value!!! We serve with compassion, we pursue excellence and do it all while honoring every voice.
Unfortunately, Mr. B passed away and will never see his daughter's face, but what Kallie gave to him and his wife will always hold a special place within their hearts.