Johanne Kellam
May 2020
Case Management
Central Carolina Hospital
United States




Johanne Kellam took time out of her personal life numerous times as well as used her day off to make sure a body did not sit in the morgue. She tracked down a family member (the only one who would speak to her) about getting a body to the funeral home rather than sitting in the morgue. She got off of work 2 days in a row and went out of her way to go to Walmart in Cameron to have the release forms signed notarized.
To her surprise, the family member released the body directly to her. She agreed with no complaints and used her next day off to be at the funeral home. She arranged all details, even where the patient would be buried. Johanne was the patient's only "family" that cared what happened to him. She ensured that the patient had a respectful and beautiful place to be laid to rest. She goes above and beyond every single day and show so much grace and compassion. I am so proud to have her as my counterpart in Case Management and to call her a friend. She is a true DAISY Nurse.