Clint Oliver
June 2017
General Medicine
Oregon Health & Science University
United States
I was amazed at how compassionate and skilled Clint was in working with a tense and potentially volatile patient and family interaction. His demonstrated a great ability to use trauma-informed principles, while holding firm boundaries, which allowed a patient to compose themselves and safely continue care on the unit. He started a safety care plan. Furthermore, his openness and non-judgmental questioning led to the significant other for the patient sharing he was in withdrawal from drugs too and needed help. Clint was able to be supportive for him and contacted IMPACT and others to get information and next steps to him as well as continue to improve the care plan for the patient, who was put more at ease knowing her loved one was getting help too. It is not uncommon for these situations to lead to unsafe events on the unit or a patient leaving against medical advice. It was through Clint's knowledge and compassionate interactions he was able to turn things around. He kept the unit and patient safe, while demonstrating great empathy and care for these two who were struggling with substance abuse disorder. The final result was the significant other was enrolled into a treatment program. This example is just one of many times when Clint has been able to extend his patient-centeredness to encompass the family as well.