Jenny Howe
May 2018
Labor and Delivery
UnityPoint Health -Trinity
Rock Island
United States
I would like to recognize Jenny Howe for her outstanding level of care during the delivery of my baby. This was my first baby and it was a very long delivery, which ended in a C-section. Jenny was on the shift when we first arrived at the hospital. She was patient, caring and attentive. She first assisted us in triage and then in our room where I was trying for a natural birth. She left at the shift change and I went through a very long day trying to deliver. The next evening, I was prepped for a C-section. I was exhausted, scared and could not stop shaking. As I was wheeled into the Operating Room, we saw Jenny as well as other familiar faces, which was very soothing. Jenny continued excellent care in the OR and throughout recovery. She even stopped down to see us in our regular room. She was an absolute bright spot to our stay at Trinity. Thank you, Jenny, for your wonderful care!