Alice Xaio
October 2016
Adult General Surgery Progressive Care Unit
University of New Mexico Hospitals
United States
When Alice came to work, she walked into one of those nights every nurse dreads. She had a patient going south, developmentally delayed, and no IV access. Immediately, Alice pulled her resources and jumped into action. They were able to get an IV even when RRT said it was impossible. They placed the patient on oxygen even though the patient had a difficult time understanding why or what she was doing. Alice got a hold of RRT and advocated that they come up immediately to see the patient and they responded that they were unable to come. At every call for help Alice made, she met resistance, but still she fought for her patient. Finally, at the end of the night she got the attention of the team to get the patient transferred to the unit. This girl's family was terrified, but Alice kept them informed and comforted as they feared for their child's life. Alice demonstrates caring, compassion, respect, efficiency, and integrity every time she comes to work. This night was definitely no exception.