Kelly Wojtalewicz
January 2019
Birth Center
Marshfield Medical Center
United States
I chose to deliver at Marshfield Clinic because I wanted to try for a VBAC. After laboring for two days, I was exhausted and the doctor on call started mentioning the possibility of C-section. Kelly knew how important it was to me to VBAC and helped me try so many laboring techniques to get baby into a better position. She never gave up on me and was my biggest advocate when I was beyond exhausted. She truly is the reason I didn't end up with another unwanted Cesarean. So thankful for her!
I was fortunate, almost 4 months ago, to deliver a healthy baby girl. I would like to thank those who made my Birth Center experience one of a kind. My experience was outstanding, one I would recommend and tell others.
There was one nurse in particular who was extraordinary. Her name was Kelly, a weekender RN. I was privileged to have Kelly as my twelve hour night nurse. Leo Buscaglia stated, "too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring; all of which have the potential to turn a life around." This is true, often we do. Kelly turned my OB experience into one that I will never forget. This is my third child and my last. I am saddened that I will never get to experience the care of Kelly again. Kelly is a leader's dream. She rounded on me continuously; she knew what I needed and would feel before I even knew. She updated the whiteboard and explained the plan of care. She involved me in my care, letting me make decisions.
Kelly was kind, compassionate and caring. She held conversations with me, brought in her experience and made me feel comfortable, which is hard because who truly feels comfortable in a hospital setting? Surely, I would normally not. In conversation with Kelly, I was amazed to learn she lived in Plover and commuted to work here at MMC Birth Center. She previously was employed at SJH and then left the organization to work for a competitor and came back. We are ever so lucky she came back to our organization and I was lucky to have her as my nurse. I was grateful for the care she provided for me and my newborn daughter. The power of Kelly's touch, smile, kind words, listening ear and acts of care turned my experience into one I will never forget. Kelly is an Extraordinary Nurse and exemplifies the meaning of the DAISY Award; she truly made a difference in my care. Thank you for the great stay.
I was fortunate, almost 4 months ago, to deliver a healthy baby girl. I would like to thank those who made my Birth Center experience one of a kind. My experience was outstanding, one I would recommend and tell others.
There was one nurse in particular who was extraordinary. Her name was Kelly, a weekender RN. I was privileged to have Kelly as my twelve hour night nurse. Leo Buscaglia stated, "too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring; all of which have the potential to turn a life around." This is true, often we do. Kelly turned my OB experience into one that I will never forget. This is my third child and my last. I am saddened that I will never get to experience the care of Kelly again. Kelly is a leader's dream. She rounded on me continuously; she knew what I needed and would feel before I even knew. She updated the whiteboard and explained the plan of care. She involved me in my care, letting me make decisions.
Kelly was kind, compassionate and caring. She held conversations with me, brought in her experience and made me feel comfortable, which is hard because who truly feels comfortable in a hospital setting? Surely, I would normally not. In conversation with Kelly, I was amazed to learn she lived in Plover and commuted to work here at MMC Birth Center. She previously was employed at SJH and then left the organization to work for a competitor and came back. We are ever so lucky she came back to our organization and I was lucky to have her as my nurse. I was grateful for the care she provided for me and my newborn daughter. The power of Kelly's touch, smile, kind words, listening ear and acts of care turned my experience into one I will never forget. Kelly is an Extraordinary Nurse and exemplifies the meaning of the DAISY Award; she truly made a difference in my care. Thank you for the great stay.