Sharlene Jacques
March 2013
Merrimack Family Practice
DartmouthHitchcock Medical Center
United States
Sharlene has been with the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Clinic for 27 years. She worked with the same provider for 21 years until she retired. When she left, you would hear patient's say, "as long as Sharlene is still there, we will stay with the new provider coming on." The patients' truly feel that she is an extension of their provider. They trust her to get things done accurately, feel comfortable to confide in her and know that she will take good care of them. Sharlene keeps a list of those patients whom she knows are not doing well and will call them weekly, sometimes daily. Sharlene has visited patients at home, bringing them chicken noodle soup. She makes a point of going to the funeral for patients that she has helped take care of and the families have very much appreciated that. Besides all of that, Sharlene has made it her priority to know everything there is about immunizations in order to assure that our department keeps our children as healthy as possible. She is sharing her knowledge and information with other family practice departments.