Brianna Henry
May 2020
Neonatal Intensitve Care Unit
Maine Medical Center




She was a calming presence that eased our stress and helped us to bond as a family. I have no doubt that Bre is the reason for our son's rapid recovery.
Bre is an exceptional nurse. From day one she took care of our sick premature son like he was her own. She took the time to explain everything that was happening when he got really sick. She sat by his side and calmed us nervous, new parents as we watched our helpless little baby.
Bre went the extra mile to keep us informed of every new development. She always greeted us by name and with a smile. She even made him a beautiful name tag to decorate his room making this strange place feel like home. When I was discharged from the hospital, the only reason I felt comfortable leaving my baby was that Bre was taking care of him. I felt safe having her by his side watching out for him and keeping him healthy. Without Bre being as attentive and comforting as she was, I don't know that I could've left for even a minute.
As a nurse myself, I can say without a doubt that Bre has found her calling. Florence Nightingale would be inspired to see a dedicated, compassionate nurse like Bre caring for the smallest and sickest of patients. Bre takes her role as a nurse seriously focusing not only on the needs of her patients but their families too. The NICU is a scary place for first-time parents to end up. Combine that with a Pandemic and you have a recipe for stress and disaster. Bre made us as parents not notice the crazy world around us. She was a calming presence that eased our stress and helped us to bond as a family. I have no doubt that Bre is the reason for our son's rapid recovery. Her positive outlook and demeanor made all the difference day in and day out.
I cannot give enough praise to Bre for taking care of our little boy. She made a horrific, scary time into one that was easy and comfortable. Bre is exceptional at what she does and doesn't expect any praise or thanks. She's a selfless nurse focused on patient-centered care and bettering the experience of patients and their families.