November 2020
UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital
Dr. Haddad, MD;
Caitlin Gaffney, RN (Team Leader);
Anthony Mandato, RN;
Mellissa Craig, RN;
Katya Lebedev, RN;
Megan Jaenke, RN;
Shauna Nightswander, RN;
Carrie Sweitzer, RN;
Katie Burns, RN;
Lauren Zak, RN;
Nicole Elm, RN;
Ellen Hanna, RN;
Shifra Broder, RN;
Fayga Zigun, RN;
Anthony Ferritto, RN;
Andrew Protsman, RN;
Diasia Lee (secretary);
Jenni Martinez: RT;
Jeremy Buckholz: RT;
Rachel Martin (Social Work);
Regina Berry, CCLS (Child Life)




This nomination encompasses a department that I am fairly new to. In April of 2020, I became a leader to this team. I was quickly impressed by their level of expertise and compassion for the population they serve. There have been multiple events over the past several months that drive this nomination, but there were a few specific events that stand out. They stand out because they are examples of the level of compassion, collaboration, and resiliency that occur in and around this department.
One weekend the staff of the pediatric ED was inundated with tragedy. They experienced the death of several patients and an extremely horrific double trauma in which both patients died. For the next few weeks and even months, they endured a busy trauma season with severe trauma being a consistent theme. This staff stood strong and prepared. They did so in the midst of a pandemic and they never hesitated.
The details, too graphic to share, are not the focus of this nomination. This nomination should focus on the care they have shown each other. Calls, texts, debriefing, and continuing to build a collaborative environment is the focus. Every team member (provider, nurse, medic, CTAs, child-life, respiratory, social work, trauma, PICU, pharmacy, registration, environmental services, radiology, and leadership) has played some role in helping to manage these patients and the team that cared for them. Every team member has been impacted on some level.
What makes this team exceptional is their ability to care for patients and each other. In my previous roles, a trauma season like this would be enough to completely cripple a department. Quite the opposite has happened here. I feel that this team has used these tragedies to strengthen this department and their working relationship. It is inspiring for me as an emergency nurse, leader, and parent.
Thank you to this team for caring for patients and their families during times of crisis, for recognizing the impact that it has on them and for recognizing the impact it has on the team. I am proud to be a part of it.