Angela Jackson
December 2020
Angela L.
Ophthalmology Ward
Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust




The concern Sister Angela showed, not just for me but for all my colleagues. It is very humbling and has inspired me to become a better person and do the best I can to ensure all our patients benefit from their experiences with us in the environment our team creates.
Senior Sister Angela has always been a very supportive manager. She makes you feel that you do matter. Everybody is treated as an individual. Especially during the challenging time of the COVID-19 pandemic where staff roles were greatly changed. Angela worked not just alongside her colleagues on the wards, but also supported the staff who were at home shielding and those with different needs.
Sister Jackson is exceptional. During my time shielding, she took on my role as Junior Sister as well as her own. Whilst contending with the continual movement of services and departments, relocation of staff. In doing this she never failed to continue to support, encourage, and be there for everyone both in and out of work. She is an inspiration to the nursing profession. She is always approachable, positive, and optimistic throughout which in turn has helped in boosting the team's morale in difficult times.
Sister Angela was very supportive of all staff. She's always there for you. In the times of the pandemic, we were scared for our own and our families' safety. You would feel you're not alone fighting but as a team. And it takes only one good leader to have a good team.
J25 has always been my second home since I came to the UK in 2002. Being a single mother of 3 has been manageable and I was able to continue working due to all the support and help Sister Angela has given. She has always been understanding and made me feel that I am not alone in this journey. With all her kindness and compassion, she has inspired me to stay positive and keep motivated in life.
As a new apprentice clinical support worker on the ward, I feel so proud of Sister Angela. She has been so nice and kind and not just to me but to the whole team. Angela has good and strong leadership skills. she works along with us and she does not use her higher position to take advantage of but uses it to direct us. She also treats everybody equally and with respect.
For the 20 years, I have worked with Sister Angela, she has always been very supportive. If I have needed anything she has tried to accommodate me. These last 7 months through COVID and my home life, she has been there to talk to and a shoulder to cry on. You could not wish for a better Senior Sister/ Friend.
Sister Angela has always made me feel supported whenever I need her which has kept me strong and empowered.
Working in a big institution for a long time and working with different people where I feel my voice has never been heard which has made me reluctant to say how I feel or give opinions. With Sister Angela, I felt I'm an important member of the team. She always made me feel that my opinion mattered. The concern she showed, not just for me but for all my colleagues. It is very humbling and has inspired me to become a better person and do the best I can to ensure all our patients benefit from their experiences with us in the environment our team creates. Sister Angela has played a huge part in this.
Sister Angela is there for you all the time. If you're feeling down she can always put a smile on your face.
Sister Angela is very approachable and cares about your welfare. During shielding, Angela kept in contact with me as I was having anxiety-related issues. She never expressed how stressful things were at work but made me feel that I mattered, giving me guidance and reassurance. On my return back to work, she took time to meet with me before I entered the ward which lessened my nervousness.
Sister Angela has always encouraged and supported me since I started working on the ward. When my husband was diagnosed with cancer, it had a terrible effect on me and affected my health. Angela has been understanding and supportive. Offering other support and being there herself even if I needed a chat. Angela is professional and genuinely caring. It's an honour to be a member of her team.
Sister Angela is a friendly, wonderful, and supportive manager. It's a pleasure to have her as a manager. She ensures that the unit runs smoothly and ensures an adequate skill mix which contributes to great patient care. For this reason and her attributes as a nurse, she is a DAISY Nurse.
Sister Angela has gone above and beyond in her support for all her staff. She will try and find an answer and solution to any queries or problems. Her resilience and hard work calm demeanor has always been admirable. She makes this department work.
I am extremely pleased that Sister Angela is being nominated for this award. I fully recommend her for this award because she deserves it. Since I started working with her, I have found her to be conscientious and a very hard working professional. She is a pleasant woman who believes in positive motivation and her staff is never dissatisfied under her management role. She is an accomplished multitasker who has ensured the efficiency of her trust.