Noureen Kamran
December 2020
Sheikh Khalifa General Hospital




Your sweet and inspiring words made me admire this profession. You, Noureen, made me feel that I am not a mother of a premature baby but a special mom of a rainbow baby.
As a first-time mom, I was totally shattered when I walked into NICU first day and had no courage to take my next step ahead in the pandemic crisis, no one from my family around me to support me. Securely locked doors and windows, the nurses running behind crying babies, beeping sound of machines and wires around babies, horrified me. At that time you came out of nowhere like an angel and asked me to follow you and gave me a tour of the whole NICU and reassured me how babies recover from terrible conditions and grow to get ready to go home healthy. The best thing I will remember about this journey is your words, "love your baby as much as possible in whatever condition he is in and pray for him as if this could be the only baby you would have." That's the moment I realized how a NICU nurse can encourage a mother.
Your sweet and inspiring words made me admire this profession. You made me feel that I am not a mother of a premature baby but a special mom of a rainbow baby. You always kept telling me "bad times will get over fast and that the day will come soon when I will handover your baby in your arms and send you home".
No matter how hard I try, this letter can't convey how much I truly appreciate you.