November 2019
Moffitt Cancer Center




Nicole went above and beyond to do everything in her power to make my mom as comfortable as possible and did it in a way that was sincere and coming from deep within.
My mother experienced a pneumothorax after the procedure, which necessitated the placement of a chest tube. During the day, in recovery from the original procedure, then from the chest tube placement, Nicole was by her side it seemed the entire time. She had many other patients as the department was busy, but she made my mom feel like the only one. She responded to her pain promptly, with empathetic urgency. She incorporated humor when possible to lighten tense situations, she went above and beyond to do everything in her power to make my mom as comfortable as possible and did it in a way that was sincere and coming from deep within. She was not just there to "get a job done". She seems to have been hand-selected for the very demanding role she plays. She deserves in the greatest way to be rewarded for her tremendous display of humanism in nursing. Nowadays, in a time where burnout in nursing is so common (understandably, nursing is such an emotionally and physically taxing profession), patients often feel like just another number. Our experience with Nicole was personalized and compassionate. She made our family, and more importantly, my mom, feel as "at ease" as could have been possible during what was likely the most difficult day of her life. She is a gift and a true DAISY Nurse. Thank you, Nicole!!