October 2020
Labor and Delivery
Vanderbilt University Adult Hospital




Jessica acknowledged that he was here, he was mine, and he always would be. He wasn't a ghost or a health risk, he was my son. I needed that.
My son was stillborn Easter weekend and complications resulted in my having multiple blood transfusions. As a nurse, Jessica was on top of my care and more attune to my needs than almost anyone else during my stay. She drew my labs, oversaw transfusions, gave medicine, and gave report flawlessly. She was considerate but firm in the less comfortable procedures like massaging my belly. I felt safe and relaxed in her experienced hands.
Jessica went above and beyond to be compassionate and helpful the two nights she was my nurse. She always had a smile and listened when I just wanted to talk. She was understanding of my alternating moods. She made sure I got to hold him and came to spend some time with us. She told me how beautiful and perfect he was. She mourned with me. She made sure I had the most amazing footprints, molds, and birth certificate to take home.
When it was time to say goodbye to him, she tucked him in with blankets and a bear to make sure he wasn't alone or cold. She showed me a social media app to try and lift my spirits. Jessica acknowledged that he was here, he was mine, and he always would be. He wasn't a ghost or a health risk, he was my son. I needed that. I needed all of it. Before she left she gave me a way to contact her in case I wanted to talk about him because she felt like "she knew him, too". I don't know if I would have had the strength to get through those first few nights without Jessica. I will never forget her.