Delia Joseph
December 2020
Nash UNC Healthcare




My mother feels Delia saved her life.
My mother was admitted to the hospital for a hgb of 5.1. She is 68 years old and this was her first hospitalization for something other than simple surgery, and her first hospitalization at Nash. She was very nervous and very scared.
Delia was her nurse for the first three nights; not only did she provide excellent patient care, but she also provided emotional support and made my mother feel safe. Due to visitor restriction and me having to work, she had to stay by herself at night and I felt good about leaving her with Delia. My mother cannot say enough good things about this nurse. She has all the qualities needed for a great nurse. She is caring, compassionate, empathetic, dependable, trustworthy, and knowledgeable.
My mother's glucose dropped dangerously low one night and Delia caught it and provided immediate care. My mother feels Delia saved her life. So thank you Delia Joseph for being a great nurse.