Natalie Hansel
January 2021
Medical Specialties
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
Natalie handled the situation with competence and grace. She stayed in the room and explained to the daughter in calm, informative, and simple language what was happening.
Natalie is a ray of sunshine on 1 East Medical Specialties every day that she is here. She is always positive, enthusiastic, eager to help her colleagues and her patients and clearly still smiling under her mask and face shield.
One day, Natalie was caring for a patient who began experiencing sudden respiratory distress. Natalie immediately intervened at the bedside and paged the patient's providers (including me to help obtain reliable vascular access). As phone calls were returned and providers started arriving, the patient's daughter called into the room to talk with her mother.
Natalie handled the situation with competence and grace. She stayed in the room and explained to the daughter in calm, informative, and simple language what was happening. She told the daughter how she was ensuring her mother received the care she needed and that her mother was being transferred to a different unit for management and close monitoring. I was particularly impressed with Natalie's open and honest communication in the midst of a stressful event. She kept the daughter informed and allowed the patient to hear the conversation, and she did this while she monitored the patient and ensured necessary resources were on the way.
It would have been easy for Natalie to tell the daughter it wasn't a good time to talk - or to be short with the people in the room who were pulling her in all directions. Anyone who knows Natalie knows she would never do this. Instead, she is efficient and polite, every time.
Natalie is a truly wonderful and talented nurse.
One day, Natalie was caring for a patient who began experiencing sudden respiratory distress. Natalie immediately intervened at the bedside and paged the patient's providers (including me to help obtain reliable vascular access). As phone calls were returned and providers started arriving, the patient's daughter called into the room to talk with her mother.
Natalie handled the situation with competence and grace. She stayed in the room and explained to the daughter in calm, informative, and simple language what was happening. She told the daughter how she was ensuring her mother received the care she needed and that her mother was being transferred to a different unit for management and close monitoring. I was particularly impressed with Natalie's open and honest communication in the midst of a stressful event. She kept the daughter informed and allowed the patient to hear the conversation, and she did this while she monitored the patient and ensured necessary resources were on the way.
It would have been easy for Natalie to tell the daughter it wasn't a good time to talk - or to be short with the people in the room who were pulling her in all directions. Anyone who knows Natalie knows she would never do this. Instead, she is efficient and polite, every time.
Natalie is a truly wonderful and talented nurse.