Amanda Williams
November 2020
Rehab Nursing
Rehab Hospital of Fort Wayne
Fort Wayne




By the end of the shift, Amanda had this sweet lady so happy that she was singing to everyone who walked by.
Nursing isn't easy, and manning a team of nurses as a charge nurse is a huge job to manage. When I think of Amanda I think of how much support and knowledge she brings to the team. She is a constant example of compassion and exemplary nursing practice, constant mentoring, and motivating staff. Whether it's running in to help you treat a critically ill patient or running down the hall to a bed alarm, Amanda is there.
She is always willing to answer questions, help on the floor, and come in on her days off. She practically lives in the charge office some weeks. On many occasions, I can recall Amanda going above and beyond for her patients. One time in particular a sweet little lady came to our facility and required a sitter due to dementia. It was a busy day and we were short on technicians. Amanda brought her paperwork to the nurses' station and offered to sit with this patient which helped relieve a patient care tech to help on the floor. By the end of the shift, Amanda had this sweet lady so happy that she was singing to everyone who walked by. Amanda not only helped provide company and safety for a patient but also helped her team in the process.