Tracey Hunn
January 2021
Quality Management
CHI St. Joseph Health Regional Hospital




Even though Tracey is wearing a mask, you know that her smile is hidden underneath.
We would like to thank Tracey Hunn, RN for her outstanding leadership. Her hard work has been invaluable during this pandemic. During the early stages of this pandemic, Tracey was instrumental in getting The Respiratory Clinic organized and running. With just a few days' notice!
As a nursing leader, Tracey worked with interdisciplinary teams across our healthcare system to make sure that our patients and staff got the screening, testing, and care that they needed. She ensured that the staff not only had access to PPE but also the proper training, in order to maintain a safe environment. She has been diligently working for months, yet her cheerful attitude has not wavered, and even though she is wearing a mask, you know that her smile is hidden underneath.
Tracey took on a ton of extra responsibility, and has risen to the challenges without complaint, and is now doing it all again in order to get The COVID Vaccine Clinic operational.
We are proud to present this well-deserved DAISY Award to Tracey Hunn, RN.