Dana Holliday
October 2020
Emergency Department
Ochsner Medical Center - Kenner




Dana stepped in and helped him with the funeral arrangements. She also purchased the husband a hotel room for the night, so he did not have to arrange it during his time of grief.
Dana was nominated by a coworker for the extraordinary care she provided for a grieving family member of one of our ED patients. A patient arrived to the ED with a code blue in progress. The patient went into cardiac arrest while on a flight from Cancun to home (Illinois). They were coming home from an anniversary trip. The patient's husband was with her on arrival. Sadly, the patient died and her husband was at the bedside grieving. The husband was alone since the couple lived in Illinois. Dana stepped in and helped him with the funeral arrangements. She also purchased the husband a hotel room for the night, so he did not have to arrange it during his time of grief. Dana showed compassion and did for someone else without questions. She is such a great asset to Ochsner Kenner and our ED department. Thank you Dana for the care and compassion you showed this family member in his time of need.
Note: This is Dana's 2nd DAISY Award!