Vanessa Machado
December 2020
Redlands Community Hospital




For Vanessa to have the heart to stop what she was doing, as overwhelmed as she must be, and take the time to think about my husband and my family is forever in my heart.
Vanessa has been the ICU nurse for my husband who is currently battling Coronavirus. She has been the main nurse that has kept in contact with me and has been my lifeline to my husband. She has been so professional, kind, and caring from day one.
Well, on Sunday at about 10:00 am, Vanessa called me and said that she was attending to my husband as she normally does, then she noticed his head was moving. She looked over at him and his eyes were open! She asked him a few questions and he was able to nod his head. Then she asked if he was up for a FaceTime call to me, his wife. She said he became teary-eyed and she called me right away. I and my 3 teenage sons were able to see my husband and talk to him. He was able to nod his head as we gave him encouragement and asked him questions. He even gave us a thumbs up on several occasions. This was what I feel my husband needed to continue to fight and battle this awful, scary virus.
My sons and I were able to see the love and determination in his eyes, which was so reassuring and is what we needed to ease our minds and hearts a little. I know how overwhelmed, exhausted, and how hard Vanessa must feel on the inside. However, she never once has let it show during any of our conversations. For her to have the heart to stop what she was doing, as overwhelmed as she must be, and take the time to think about my husband and my family is forever in my heart.